Фінансовий словник

European Interbank Offered Rate, EURIBOR – it is the weighted average interest rate for interbank loans provided by banks in euros. It is determined by the European Banking Federation, which represents the interests of credit institutions in the member states of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and the Association of Financial Markets. The rate is calculated and published by Reuters daily at 11:00 a.m. CET on the basis of data provided by dozens of top-rated banks. The list of listed banks is regularly reviewed for compliance with high rating requirements. The rate is calculated for different terms - from 1 week to 12 months.

London Interbank Offered Rate, LIBOR - це середньозважена процентна ставка за міжбанківськими кредитами, що надаються банками, що виступають на лондонському міжбанківському ринку із пропозицією коштів в різних валютах і на різні терміни - від 1 дня до 12 місяців. Ставка фіксується уповноваженим агентом Британської Банківської Асоціації та агентством Reuters починаючи з 1985 року щодня об 11:00 за Західноєвропейським часом на підставі даних, що надаються 16 обраними банками (Prime banks з рейтингом не нижче АА). Для кожного періоду з 16 отриманих ставок відсікаються 4 найнижчі й 4 найвищі, а з решти одержують середнє арифметичне значення, що публікується як LIBOR для відповідного періоду й валюти. Надається з тижневою затримкою. LIBOR ставка обчислюється для наступних валют: австралійський долар, датська крона, долар США, євро, канадський долар, новозеландський долар, фунт стерлінгів, шведська крона, швейцарський франк, японська єна.

Operational leasing is a form of leasing in which the leasing company provides the lessee with maintenance and repair services for the leased object. Ownership, reward, and risk remain with the leasing company. With such leasing, the term of the agreement is usually shorter than the period of full depreciation and the purchase of the property is not foreseen. At the end of the term, it is returned to the lessor, who can then release it to another client or sell it. Operational leasing is convenient when using a high-tech fleet of cars when the lessee takes off the costs of realizing the amortized part of it.

Financial leasing - it is an economic operation of an Individual or Legal Entity, which provides for the transfer to the lessee of property purchased or manufactured by the lessor, as well as all risks and rewards associated with the right to use and own the leased object, by the financial leasing agreement.

Lease payments - this is the payment for owning and using the leased item.

Advance leasing payment - it is a part of the value of the leased object, which is paid by the lessee to the lessor before receiving the leased object for use.

The residual value of the vehicle is the value of the car after the expiration of the leasing contract, which was agreed between the lessor and the lessee. It is specified in the contract and remains unchanged, provided that the car was operated under the terms agreed with the leasing company.

Administrative fee is the amount of a one-time commission, which the leasing company keeps from the client, as a fee for services rendered, drawing up a contract, etc.

Insurance value - this is the value of the leased object, which is set by the insured when evaluating the insured object (should not be higher than the real value of the property on the day of concluding the insurance contract).

An insurance event is an event that has occurred and has signs of an insured event that can be recognized by the insurer as an insured event by the terms of the insurance contract.

The insurance amount is the limit of the insurer's monetary obligations to compensate the insured (insured) for losses caused by the insured event. The insured amount under property insurance should not exceed the value of the object, with voluntary life insurance - no limit.

Insurance compensation is a monetary payment made by the insurer within the limits of the insured sum under property insurance and liability insurance contracts upon the occurrence of an insured event.

An insurance case is an event provided for by the insurance contract or legislation, which has occurred and upon the occurrence of which the insurer is obligated to pay the insured amount (insurance indemnity) to the insured, the insured, or another third party.

Insurance contribution, bonus, payment is the amount paid by the insured to the insurer for the obligation to compensate for damages caused to the insured property or to pay the insured amount in the event of the occurrence of predetermined events in the life of the insured (insured).

The franchise is the contractually stipulated part of the loss that is not reimbursed by the insurer in the event of an insured event. There is a distinction between conditional and unconditional franchises. The condition - certifies the right to release the insurer from liability for damage if its amount does not exceed the amount of the deductible, and the damage is subject to full compensation if its amount exceeds the deductible. Unconditional - indicates that the insurer's liability is determined by the size of the loss minus the deductible.